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歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角 煙廠街9號 興發商業大廈17 樓 1701 室 ( 近 廣華醫院 )
星期一至六12:00 AM – 6:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期休息 CLOSE (個別時間,歡迎預約)
Organic Garlic Juice
100% 有機種植,天然超濃縮液
2. 藥劑製造標準 (Pharmaceutical Grade),純度接近100%
3. 獲歐洲專利冷凍液態提取技術,令大蒜中營養成份的生物利用度維持在極高水平
4. 增強免疫力,全面抗氧化保護
5. 除蒜素(Allicin)外,還含阿焦烯 (Ajoene) 化合物,有顯著抗血栓、抗細菌及抗癌特性
6. 天然抗細菌、抗真菌、抗氧化劑
7. 經獨特的抽取技術除去蒜頭異味
8. 適合關注膽固醇人仕,適合關注血糖人仕
9. 適合抗三高、腎弱、夜廁、壞細胞、不育、體弱等亞健康人仕
10. 適合調理腸內環境,血管質素,面色想改善人仕
Brautigam’s, 瑞典 Sweden
傷風感冒:以開水稀釋 0.5-1 湯匙,每天服用3-5次
Due to garlic’s many health benefits, garlic supplements in various forms have been created and are being sold all over the world. Many emphasize their high content of allicin, the main ingredient with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. But it is not only allicin that contains health benefits. It has been found that the by-products of allicin, in particular a compound called ajoene, have remarkable anti-thrombotic, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer properties.
Bräutigam’s Organic Garlic Juice is a pure aqueous extraction of garlic made without a heating process and without the use of any chemicals. With water to preserve the allicin molecules and their by-products, it is more chemically stable than other preparations of garlic extract including tablets or cooked garlic, where heating destroys the bioactive compounds. Its safety and efficacy are well-established after being in the market for over 70 years. It is a natural, organic and potent supplement providing the full spectrum of garlic’s legendary health benefits.
e-mail : cs@familyhealth.com.hk
Address : 歡迎親臨陳列室參觀 : 旺角 煙廠街9號 興發商業大廈17 樓 1701 室 ( 近 廣華醫院 )
Phone : 查詢熱線 8105-2128 or Whatsapp 9105-8355
Price :
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